Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Beginning..

Does anyone remember this picture? I first saw this back in the 6th or 7th grade and was always so intrigued by the candy inspired beauty products. This "Sweet as Candy" review was printed years ago in YM Magazine. Sadly, the magazine ceased publication 5 years ago in 2004. Anyways, I know this little page I ripped out of one of the issues is super old and I can't believe I've held onto it all these years. This page reminds me of when I first fell in love with makeup. Then, I was only about 12 years old and could barely afford makeup. Buying a Maybelline eye shadow single or a new CoverGirl lipsick was a big deal to me. I couldn't even wear makeup at the time but it didn't stop me from experimenting with it at home (or sometimes sneaking it in before school started in the girl's bathroom.) Since then, I've built up a nice makeup drawer (or drawers) but those $2 Wet 'N Wild products will always be my "beginning" or introduction to my love for makeup.
I've never had a blog before so this is all new to me. Bear with me, this blog may not have a cool layout or flashy images but in time, I will learn. The idea for this blog is basically all things beauty (mainly cosmetics products and skincare) on which I will do reviews and swatches. In this blog, I will also from time to time include my other various interests whether it be my favorite activites or what's currently recording on my TiVo. There may be lots of randomness thrown in but my main topic will always steer back to beauty -at least most of the time (or anything semi-related to the subject.) I love writing about my favorite products and giving suggestions and advice to people so this is what my blog's about! I am by no means a pro but I love makeup and trying new products and creating different looks. I'm the type of person who buys a ton of cosmetics for the thrill (it's addicting!) but rarely uses it. I have a bad habit of buying the stuff, bringing it home, getting overly excited, swatching, and putting it away in the make up drawer and then forgetting all about it. =) Feel free to leave comments or email me (themakeupdrawer@gmail.com) and I will do my best to answer any questions regarding beauty or anything else in life.

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