I'm not sure if anyone's heard, but Cargo is being totally discontinued at Sephora stores
and Sephora online. Months ago, they started pulling Cargo off the shelves in some Sephora stores (2 of the 5 Sephora stores I frequent stopped carrying Cargo) but they still kept it online and in certain stores. They even released a few new palettes during the holiday season so I wasn't too worried about Cargo leaving me. I thought it would just be like what they've done with Shiseido products -keep a few skincare products in a handful of stores but still carry most of the line on their site. I was wrong. I am positive Cargo is leaving us. Late Friday night when I got home, I pulled up Sephora.com to skim through items before I went to bed (terrible habit.) I clicked on the Cargo tab to see if they were releasing any fabulous new palettes and to my amazement, I saw the "
Runway" Palette for only $25.50 and the "
Hands of Hope" Palette for only $14.50. I thought it was just those seasonal holiday items that were on sale. Then I kept scrolling through the rest of the Cargo items and noticed that every single Cargo item was half off. My jaw dropped. I really really like Cargo (not quite love though) but I like love Cargo and I was really sad to find out Cargo would be leaving Sephora since I go to Sephora more than any other cosmetics/beauty store. Anyways, lots of their items were unavailable.. I guess people already got their hands on them OR they just never bothered to restock certain items (The Big Easy blush hasn't been available online for months.) So.. I advice anyone who loves Cargo/wants to try them out to get on this deal RIGHT now. The items are not in Sephora's Sale section (I wish it was since I would've been able to get more.. bleh) and you have to scroll down to the "Cargo" tab in the upper right hand corner of the page where it says "brands."

Here is something I would definitely grab while you can. As of right now, all 3 Cargo "
Essential Eyeshadow" Palettes are still available. They come in the combinations: Warm/Neutral, Cool/Neutral, and Dark/Neutral.
These are originally $32 but have been discounted to $16.
I already own the Dark/Neutral verison from the Cargo "7 in 7" set and I was tempted to get the other 2 but I had to hold back. I knew I'd never even use the other 2 since I love the Dark/Neutral version so much. I did grab a Warm/Neutral palette as a future gift.
I think these palettes make a fantastic gift for anyone who needs a basic neutral palette, anyone who is new to makeup, or anyone who just wants to add to their ginormous collection. I am drawn to neutral palettes so naturally, I purchased this. This an an absolute MUST-HAVE. Perfect for every day. The palettes not super shimmery or glittery but not totally matte either. I'd describe it as "almost matte" with the slightest bit of shimmer. These are very beautiful. Also, each color has an indentation of where to apply the shadow but as we makeup lovers know, you don't have to always follow the rules. =)

Here's another product that I think would be great to add to anyone's makeup stash. Sephora offers the Cargo "
Color Eyeshadow" Palette in 8 amazing combinations but unfortunately (as of right now), their are only 3 choices left.
These are now just $14.
I didn't pick any up because the one I really wanted (Toronto) was already gone. I was going to scoop up London but I decided not to since I already own similar shades (sadly that one's already gone now too.) These palettes come in such fun color combinations so review the swatches on Sephora.com. I'm sure other bloggers have swatches as well.
An added bonus is that the packaging is really pretty. I'm a sucker for beautiful packaging and I love the bright colors and artsy images on the covers of these palettes. I think this would make a fun birthday, late New Years, or a "Just Because" gift.

At last, we have the popular
Cargo Blushes. Sephora offers these amazing blushes in 16 colors BUT....... there are only 5 left! This is on sale for only $12!! Can you believe that??
If I could, I would've purchased so many more of these but the only colors available Friday night were Gotham, Laguna, Mendocino, Polynesia, Rome, and Lyon. I quickly added Gotham, Rome, Polynesia, and Lyon. I didn't order right away because I wanted to sleep on it. I had so many other items in my cart and I really didn't want to spend too much on
more makeup.
When I woke up, Rome was sold out. I was so so sad because that was one of the colors I really wanted. Anyways, I ended up purchasing Laguna, Polynesia, and Lyon. (I read that Gotham has a blue sheen to it in several reviews and I'm just not sure if that's for me. I imagine it would be great on cooler toned gals though.)
As of right now, the colors that are still available are: Laguna, Gotham, Polynesia, Mendocino, and Lyon. If you are interested in any of these colors, grab them NOW. Cargo blushes are super popular so I'm sure these are going to go fast. They were always sold out even when they
weren't on sale.
I really hope this reaches any Cargo fans out there. I'm one of them and if I had known sooner that this sale was going on, I would've jumped on it. There are tons of other wonderful Cargo products that I haven't mentioned so be sure to look through all the products. I'm a huge fan of their blushes and my favorite product of theirs is their Topeka blush and Reverse Lipliner. Have you purchased anything from this sale? What are your favorite Cargo items?
(Pictures from Ulta.com & Sephora.com)