Monday, March 5, 2012

What I Wear

I randomly found this very old photo from late last year. But this is what I usually wear to school. Leggings, baggy long-sleeve, cardigan, and a fun pair of shoes. =) Sorry I haven't been blogging much here. Check out my new blog Not So Fashionable for regular updates.
P.S. Anyone excited about Marni at H&M this week?? I am! I will be doing a post about that (on the new blog) and am writing an article about it for my school's magazine! Can't wait. I'll be part of that mob lining up outside in the middle of the night.
Hope you're all well. <3


  1. Love this outfit. This is exactly something I wear all the time.

  2. I'll never ger tired of those rose gold loafers you have! I absolutely LOVE IT :)
