Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Designer Therapy

Last night, my little sister showed me this super awesome toy of hers. I'm not sure what brand it's from but basically you get a plastic mannequin with some scraps of fabric. You wrap and layer the various fabrics over the mannequin and secure it in the back (where there's a slot to insert the fabric.) I got so into it that I cut up pieces of my own fabric to add a little more spunk into the not-so-great choices that were included in the set.

My Designs..
I've mentioned this a few times but since I was a little girl up until my senior year of high school, I dreamt of being a fashion designer. This was before every girl (and boy) on earth wanted to be a designer. Instead of playing with dress-up clothes, I opted for playing with pieces of fabric and tied and pinned them together to make my own clothes. And before I had fabric, I'd tape construction paper together to make dresses! Here are some of the"designs" that I came up with..

The strapless sweetheart necklines were especially difficult. Most of the instructions in the guide showed strapless dresses but I wanted to put my own spin on everything! I wish I had more fabric.

This weekend, I think I'll stop by the store and pick up more fabric for me my sister to play with.

P.S. I'm finally somewhat done with everything that I have to do. School's been decided, most of the stuff involving the accident is over, I got a new car, etc. BUT, I've got tons of schoolwork to finish this week so I really, really hope to get back to get back to regular posts soon.


  1. They're all so pretty and fun! I love em all!

  2. OMG, this is the first time I have ever seen this. How fun! ^_^ I love your designs! The boobie part seems to be the hardest to dress! haha

  3. these are gorgeous! you need to make human size clothes!! :D

  4. This is such a neat toy! I need to find one of these!

  5. i thought these were some life size mannequins... very cute!

  6. These are adorable! Love the one shoulder leopard print one

  7. Pretty designs you should become a dress designer

  8. The all look gorgeous! You really should become a designer. Love the halter neck leopard print one the best!

  9. congrats 4 the new car!drive safely!

  10. Ok seriously..can u be more talented woman?? hahha. I can't believe I missed this post. For some reason, I'm not seeing your posts in the blogger updates. I was thinking you were still on a hiatus - thus no posts.

  11. I wanted one so bad, so I looked it up! They're super-cheap and they're by a brand called Harumika. Apparently you can find them at Toys R Us. I'm gonna run out and buy one "for my little cousin..." :D Thanks for sharing this!
    Here's a link:

