Sunday, September 18, 2011

I got to the mall...... and buy toys

I went to the mall the other day and came back with a shirt and then tons of toys for me, myself, and I. Just kidding. Three were for the kids but the rest were for me. ;) I got a few to add to my Toy Story collection. =)

I also had to pick up Pocahontas. I love Pocahontas. She's strong, independent, and brave. What more could you ask for in a woman?

Oh yea, and this is the sushi I ate for lunch on Friday. It looks (sort of) good but it made me so sick. =\

Have a gorgeous Sunday everyone. <33


  1. Haha aww the toys are so cute. I love the big purple bear the most. x

  2. Cute toys!!
    Too bad for the sushis )=

  3. the peas in the pod are cute haha and pochahontas is cool!

  4. These are so cute, I want the Lotso bear :) He is so adorable haha :)

  5. I love the toys! they are SOOOO CUTE!!!!!

  6. oh id love the pocahontas, i somehow feel that i am a pocahontas girl. dunno maybe my long hair :) ha ha.. love to see a diff haul. toys this time,

  7. Awww! Your Toy Story collection is adorable!! You seem to have every character from the 3rd movie. Too cute!!
