Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone

Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you all have a wonderful, safe Christmas. My family actually celebrates Christmas on Christmas eve so we're not doing anything big today. Above is a (bad camera phone) picture of the Christmas tree and presents at my grandparents' house -the kids were so lucky! There must've been nearly a hundred presents total. =P The older kids and adults didn't really get the big presents (we're "too old" for toys and games) but we did get some lovely gift cards and stuff. This is so silly but I was so surprised and happy to get makeup! My family doesn't usually give me beauty products so it really made me laugh. My auntie gave me some Benefit BADgal mascara so now I'm set with BADgal for the next year or so. I'll do a Christmas "haul" soon -let me know what you all got too!! And I can't wait to go After Christmas shopping -I haven't shopped for "just me" in way too long.

Again, I hope you have a marvelous Christmas with your loved ones today. I'm so thankful that my family and friends are all (generally) healthy and happy and I'm so blessed to have them all in my life. Be sure to just have fun today. I feel like everyone is always so stressed around this time of year but remember, it's Christmas! Christmas isn't even about how many presents you can afford to buy or how many you receive (it's really the thought that counts anyways). The most important part of Christmas is being thankful for your friends and family and to love and cherish them. So do me a favor: don't stress out today and just have fun! Merry Christmas everyone. <3


  1. Merry Christmas, Kali! Can hardly wait to see your presents, hehe! :P

  2. Why do you guys celebrate on Christmas Eve? Is it just a tradition? :O

    Nonetheless, Merry Christmas! :)

  3. I got polishes, Hello Kitty stuff, and jewels (from my BF ^^)
    Merry christmas to you!

  4. Merry Christmas :)

    xo Christine

  5. Merry Christmas!

    My Mum got me a garden gnome for Christmas, and I loved it (she had been talking about getting me one ALL year!). Good food, family... a glass of wine or three... it's what it is all about. :)

    Happy New Year also - looking forward to a new year of blog posts and reviews.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Merry christmas have fun with your family and friends I will wait for your christmas haul posts you know I love your haul posts they are really interesting you always buy some really cute things

  8. Hello! Would you like to follow each others blogs? :) Happy New Year! >.<

  9. Merry Christmas! I'm having a holiday overdose right now :))

  10. @ birminghamlady.. Merry (late) Christmas to you toO!! <333

    @ Amy.. Umm.. I have no idea. But that's how a lot of my friends do it to. =P

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

    @ rock-or-not.. Aww, how sweet of him!! Merry (late) Christmas to you too!!

    @ Christine.. Merry (late) Christmas to you toooo!! <3

    @ Ania.. Merry (late) Christmas to you too. =)

    @ Jen.. Merry late Christmas to you too. That's so sweet of your mom! LOL.. Yuppp that IS what it's all about. =)

    And happy new year! I'm looking forward to a whole new year of products, posts, and new blog friends too. <3

  11. @ camgaga.. Merry Christmas to you too. =)

    @ Melissa.. Merry (late) Christmas to you too!!! <333

    @ sugar sugar.. Happy holidays to you too! =)

    @ alvira.. Merry Christmas to you too! Aww.. sometimes I feel like I do to many hauls (when I'm busy, I do haul posts because they're quicker to do) so I love that you enjoy them. <3

    @ kristina.. Happy new year!

    @ Schumitza.. Merry (late) Christmas to you too! I was having Holiday overdose too. =P I'm a little less stressed now that it's all over but I love the "rush" of it all -kinda miss it!
